The Truth about Being Superwoman

The Truth about Being Superwoman - The Nueva Latina

Iā€™m what some people call a “superwoman.”

Well let me say this…sometimes…most of the time…being a SUPERWOMAN sucks!

Now donā€™t get me wrong. I choose to do all of the things. No one asked me to take on all of that except, well, myself. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. But sometimes it can get to be a lot when you are expected to TO DO IT ALL!

And, sometimes, as superwomen, we have to admit that we need a little help. That’s why I always carry Kleenex Wet Wipes with me. Kleenex Wet Wipes are made for DOERS!

Many of us are superwomen; We are the women who feel and desire to live up to the expectations and pressures to do it all. We are the women who work hard and are totally dedicated to juggling multiple roles in lives: careers, marriages, family, and friends.

We are women hear us roar! We can do it all!

It can feel amazing to be successful and needed, and thereā€™s a great sense of satisfaction and happiness associated with being able to do it all. On the flip side, being a superwoman can cause feelings of being overworked, overwhelmed with life, stressed, alone, and at times even depressed.

The Truth about Being Superwoman - The Nueva Latina

Instead of feeling like you have to spend your day being ā€˜busyā€™ and putting out fires, here are 3 ways you can re-design your day so that you have time to do what matters, and energy to focus on them.

1. Figure out what to focus on

It seems like weā€™re being pulled in a million directions and thereā€™s no time to discern between whatā€™s truly important. A good first step to figuring this out is asking: What am I trying to accomplish? What are the specific steps I need to get there? Then, break it down into smaller, doable components, like ā€œSchedule 15 min meeting with ā€˜Xā€™ to talk about requirementsā€™ so itā€™s easy to know what to do right away.

The Truth about Being Superwoman - The Nueva Latina

2. Delegate and ask for help

This is one of the hardest skills to learn, no matter how long youā€™ve been in a management or leadership position. Weā€™re afraid of losing control. But weā€™re also afraid of losing our identity.

When weā€™re so focused on ā€˜doing it allā€™, being busy becomes a part of who we are. So itā€™s not that ā€˜delegatingā€™ in and of itself is hard, itā€™s what happens after you delegate something: ā€œWho am I if Iā€™m not putting out these fires every day? Who am I if Iā€™m not busy all the time?ā€

3. Make time to rest and recharge

We hear advice all the time about how important it is to take time to relax and stop thinking about work. The problem? This is easier said than done.

In a culture where we value hard work and effort, relaxing can feel like weā€™re doing something ā€˜wrongā€™, especially when you see other people staying at the office late and never taking the time to come up for air. What you see as normal, becomes your normal.

It may seem trivial to take a break as small as 5 minutes, but itā€™s more important to build the habit than it is to overwhelm yourself by thinking you need to take time away from work to rest. As I like to say, baby steps equal long-term success.

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What do you use every day as a superwoman?

What do you like/dislike about a superwoman?

Are you a Doer? What do you do?

The Truth about Being Superwoman - The Nueva Latina