An Ode to my Little Sister


I was 7 going on 8 in the Fall of 1997. My mom was pregnant and I wasn’t particularly excited for the baby’s arrival. For a long time I felt as though my parents didn’t care about me. And I realize now that it was only because they knew I didn’t require as much attention as my brother because I was always “on the right track”. At the age of 7, the thought of having another person enter our lives meant that my parents would pay even LESS attention to me.

On September 29, 1997 my parents weren’t at school to pick me up. My “cousin” Pepe Martinez came up to my brother and I to tell us that his mom was to take us to her house because my mom was in the hospital delivering our baby something (we weren’t sure of the sex until the day of). I remember that Pepe’s mom, Lourdes, made us spaghetti, my favorite. I was skeptical and kept looking at the clock so that someone would take us to the hospital to see the something that would be a part of our lives now.

Finally, we were taken to the hospital. Everyone present crowded around us when my mom said, “Are you ready to meet your little sister?” She was all red and really tiny and I kept looking at my mom wondering how she was able to hold a person in per tummy for so long. When I looked back at the baby that would now be my baby sister, I fell in love. She was our little one and I knew she would be one of the best gifts my parents gave us. Adriana Aracely Martinez.


Even though we are almost 8 years apart, my sister learned a lot from me. My brother is 6 years older than her and he had his share of lessons for her. Most of all she learned what NOT to do from us. We also learned a lot from her. We learned how to be patient, caring, and how to be role-models. She was so cute and cuddly even though sometimes she would bite or hit us. Haha.

One of the things she learned from us was music. Old music, new music, country music, hip hop, death metal, etc. When Nelly was at his prime we would blast him all day and everyday. One day we came in to play with Adriana and all of a sudden she started singing, “anane, anane, mama, eya, eya, oooooooooh!” My brother and I just cracked up because we couldn’t believe she was trying to sing Nelly. Looking back now, especially seeing the music video for it again, I feel that probably wasn’t one of the BEEEEST things we exposed her to.

Years later, I left to college. I always wish I would have been there to see her go through her tween years. But, I am glad that she was able to see me go through my toughest times. She saw me fail out of school then appeal and be admitted again, 5 semesters in a row. She was there the summer I went home after losing my virginity. One night I drank a whole bottle of wine and blacked out while crying. If anything, she learned lessons from me on how to protect yourself, both academically and in matters of love. She learned that no matter what happens to you, you have to pick up all the pieces and move on each time.


Now, she is 16 going on 17. She began her Junior year on Monday. Over the years we have grown closer and I can say she is both a sister and a best friend. She tells me all her gossip with friends and boys. I tell her things about my life that I know no one else would understand. She is my shining light and everything I do in my life I do with consideration to her and my younger brother. I am so proud of who she HAS become and am excited for all the things she CAN become.

And, although I am not her mother, I know that I helped raise her in some way. She is my baby doolin (another story for another day haha) and I love her with all my heart. And I know that even if she doesn’t go to UT Austin to become a Longhorn or join my sorority ( Kappa Delta Chi till I die!), that she will be ok and one day she will be someone BIG.

This was an ode to the best gift my parents gave me and to the best little sister in the world.

Love you dools.


Stay in Love and Just Listen,