Urban Cowgirl

2020 was a year of true discovery for me. I finally started letting go of the world’s definitions and expectations. I can actually pinpoint the exact date. August 22, 2020 I found myself. That day/weekend, I finally let go of everything the world wanted me to be. I don’t know how it happened, but we were driving to Del Rio, TX (my hometown) and I just let go. Everything changed for me that day.

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About - The Nueva Latina

The Nueva Latina

The Nueva Latina is an online platform and community for every Nueva Latina. A lifestyle blog where I write about the experiences of a new generation of Latinas in life, food, travel, relationships, career, and everything in between. Help me to share our stories! I am looking to interview and feature women of all backgrounds and ethnicities who identify as Nueva Latinas. Email anali.martinez@thenuevalatina.com for more info.

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Horror and Thriller Spotlight – 2020 SXSW Film Festival

With the development of horror in the past few years, I have made it a point to watch more horror films this year. With my SXSW badge this year, I have more access to the film portion of the festival and I am EXCITED to be able to watch ALL THE MOVIES (well…not all, because it is kind of hard to be at all the places at once).

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