Thursday, June 27, 2024


All things travel: hotels, destinations, nightlife, food, and more.

Excited to share my Georgetown, TX trip with you all! I hope you enjoy it and use it on your next trip to Texas and the Central Texas area!
Happy Wednesday y'all! I am back with another post about my hometown, Del Rio, TX! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and watched my Del Rio YouTube video! I love and miss my hometown so much every day and love sharing it's charm with everyone! I wanted to a weekend guide sharing some of the places I didn't cover on my Vlog (and some I did) for those of you visiting Del Rio this holiday season!
Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta - Should You Go? - The Nueva Latina
Excited to share my Puerto Vallarta trip with you all! I hope you enjoy it and use it on your next trip to Nuevo Vallarta or Puerto Vallarta!
Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia Travel Vlog #2 - The Nueva Latina
Excited to finally share my Medellin trip with you all! I hope you enjoy it and use it on your next trip to Medellin!
Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia Travel Vlog #1 - The Nueva Latina
Excited to finally share my Medellin trip with you all! I hope you enjoy it and use it on your next trip to Medellin!
VLOG: Takes On Shreveport, LA - October 2018 - The Nueva Latina
I am suuuuuuper late on this one, but I loved it so much and I honestly can't wait to be back. My favorite part of the whole trip and of Shreveport is the people. Everyone is amazing and nice. I loved it! Can't wait to be back soon to Shreveport, LA!
VLOG: TNL Takes On Chicago - April 2019 - The Nueva Latina
HAPPY WEDNESDAY! My Chicago Travel Vlog is LIVE! I basically just ate the whole time! Haha! I hope this helps you on your next trip to Chicago.
I am SUPER excited to do my post on Shreveport! It's almost been a whole three weeks since I was there and I am already missing the FUN AND ADVENTUROUS air.
TNL Travels: Getting Ready for Monterrey and Packing List - The Nueva Latina
Monterrey is beautiful with it's mountains and rural feel even though it's a huge city. I really like museums and anything that has to do with history, so I always look for ways to learn more about a place anytime I travel.
Why Traveling is Good for Your Personal Growth - The Nueva Latina
Traveling gives you a different perspective on life. You understand that you are just a little person in this massive world. I know that most of us understand this concept by middle school, but when you travel you get to actually FEEL it and SEE it. There are 7.6 billion people in the world and they are all experiencing a different reality than yours. Depending on the country you visit, you will see people having a different style of living. What I consider extreme living conditions, such as lack of running water, are normal living conditions to others. Your problems don’t seem as bad when you get to see other people’s reality.
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