Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tag: dance

It's easy to post motivational pictures on Instagram. It's easy to be THAT GIRL behind a computer screen. I strive to make my family, friends, and other women feel empowered. I know how hard it is to be self conscious and, sometimes, getting a little push from someone can make all the difference.
As a Latina and a millennial, I realized how much POWER I have. Like my father, I am a Civil Engineer. I am active on social media. I also serve and hold officer positions on various volunteer boards, like both my parents. I have a blog where I can reach a broader audience on issues I find important. I have POWER to bring change through my work as an engineer and through my writing. When you go and make statements like the one you made about immigrants, it give POWER to use it to bring consciousness on an issue that really needs to be resolved.
I watched the Monterey Pop documentary again last night and I fell in love all over again. People weren't on their phone the whole time and no one was pushing or fighting to try and get closer to the stage. The people in that documentary were just happy to be listening to the music live. I hope my generation can gain back that genuine love for music. Music can bring so much change and I think we have forgotten that.
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