Tag: Enginerd

You Failed Your Licensing PE Exam. Now What? - The Nueva Latina
I have never been the best test taker. I am not sure when a piece of paper became my worst nightmare. When I opened the results page and saw "FAIL" for the second time in a row, I was devastated. I Googled "failed the PE Exam. Now what?" And I kept finding articles about how to study better the next time around or how to develop a better study strategy. It didn't help.
So, how did I get over it? Time. Lots of time. And I threw myself into studying harder than before to ensure that I could pass the exam the second time around. And, honestly, I don't know if I passed or not. I feel like it's possible that I did and I pray that I did. But, if I happened to fail again, I know it's not the end of the world. I will just dust myself off and try again.
If you know me personally, you know I love me a good podcast. My favorite thing about podcasts is that I can listen and LEARN wherever I go. People are using podcasts to stay on top of trends because it’s the most time-efficient way to get educated. You can multi-task your podcast listening in ways you simply cannot with other forms of content. I listen to podcasts at work, at the gym, driving, etc.
Stefani isn't just one "thing". She is an entrepreneur, dreamer, and everything in between. Dubbed an "Entrepreneurial Songstress," Vara sings, models AND acts. She also executive produces the reality-based cooking web series, "Comida Caliente" and a web series spinoff, "Casa de Vara". Stefani started "Follow My Feet" and "Friday's Fighting Hero" on YouTube where she talks to people who inspire her.
If you’re anything like me, your planner makes or breaks your productivity. Having a yearly and monthly calendar, to-do list, and planning space at your fingertips helps you to feel in control over life’s chaos. Think of a planner as a centralized area for all of your organizational needs. I am OBSESSED with planners and I think you should be too! The planners I love the most are the ones that offer more than a calendar. My goal with this post is to equip you with space to dream, outline goals, and plan this next year with purpose so you can achieve success!
Setting goals is essential for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray.
Thanksgiving to me is a time to give back and to remember how amazing our lives are, especially here in the United States. Thanksmas celebration at work, Friendsgiving celebrations with my sorority sisters and friends, and spending Thanksgiving day with my family back home...these are all the reasons why I don't want to jump ahead to Christmas just yet. ;)
I am beyond grateful that I had my parents to teach me the true value of hard work and how to save money from so early on in my life. Life after college wouldn't have been as easy if I didn't have them there reminding me and nagging me about finances and making wise financial decisions.
On today's episode of Latina Tribe we'll be talking culture. As Nueva Latinas our Latino and American culture is something that has become a part of us and ultimately make us the people we are today. Also, I will be speaking with Elena Flores fellow Chingona and Founder of Sew Bonita about her shop and her sewing journey to where she is today!
We are all experts at setting goals. Today we'll do 12 different things. And by the end of the month, we'll nail all those, plus one million more. Easy, right? Truth is, it's much easier to set goals than to ACTUALLY do them. It all comes down to motivation, and let's be honest: motivation can go down the drain...very, very fast. It's just so much easier to sit back and think about all the things we're going to do... eventually. I decided to do some research and went to the pros to find 10 new ways to reach your goal, whatever it may be.
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