Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tag: Latinas in Stem

Come on in and stay a while!! Enjoy snapshots of my SXSW adventure!
It's easy to post motivational pictures on Instagram. It's easy to be THAT GIRL behind a computer screen. I strive to make my family, friends, and other women feel empowered. I know how hard it is to be self conscious and, sometimes, getting a little push from someone can make all the difference.
I was on the plane getting ready to take off to Last Vegas this past November. One of my very best friends, Wendy, was sitting next to me. She was listening to something on her phone and seemed super into it. I assumed it was a song that she...
Life can get busy! With school, extracurriculars, and a never ending social calendar it’s hard to stay on track and on top of everything all the time. Getting and staying organized doesn’t have to be a hassle. Here are 5 ways to keep your busy life organized!
The food was AMAZING! And super cheap. The conversion while we were there was $1 US = $2,800 Colombian Pesos (Or $2.80). We ate like royalty the whole time were there. Not only was the food cheap, but they also serve HUGE portions. I have found this to be true in Mexico as well, that the level of service is SO MUCH BETTER than it is here. People in Colombia are continually trying to see how you are and really trying to accommodate to you. Every place we ate at, we were treated like VIPs and that is something that I feel is lost sometimes in the United States.
I never understood that Colombians were "different" than us. We are Mexican, but my parents still exposed me to other Latin cultures and customs. In a way, I was always destined to meet a Colombian and fall in love with him, right? *winks* Now, I am 3 days away from boarding a flight to Colombia. I am so excited and can't wait to see what awaits us there! Julian has been there multiple times in his life (obviously), but this will be my first time visiting another country other than the US or Mexico.
As a Latina and a millennial, I realized how much POWER I have. Like my father, I am a Civil Engineer. I am active on social media. I also serve and hold officer positions on various volunteer boards, like both my parents. I have a blog where I can reach a broader audience on issues I find important. I have POWER to bring change through my work as an engineer and through my writing. When you go and make statements like the one you made about immigrants, it give POWER to use it to bring consciousness on an issue that really needs to be resolved.
Throughout my college career I was judged by the way I looked more than by how smart I actually was. It really took a toll on me during my third year and I felt like I couldn't go on. Advisers and mentors I had all kept telling me, "Maybe engineering just isn't for you". On top of everything, I was one of few Latinas in my classes. Of course, all the Latina/os stuck together by joining organizations such as Pi Sigma Pi and SHPE. But, for a while, that wasn't enough for me. I longed to be a man, just because it seemed like everything came easier for them.
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