Investing In Yourself with The Bravely Values Based Budgeting Workbook - The Nueva Latina

Investing In Yourself with The Bravely Values Based Budgeting Workbook

When done right, budgeting to have control of your money can be empowering and can help you reach your financial goals with ease. It can even help you plan for the occasional splurge (guilt free!). The basic concept of a budget is simple—spend less than you make. But creating a budget that is both empowering and easy to stick to is a little tougher.

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Living a Busy and Balanced Life - The Nueva Latina

Living a Busy and Balanced Life

Throughout the years, and well, a few mental breakdowns and therapy sessions later, I have learned that we must strive to keep a balanced busy life.  What exactly does that mean? Balanced busy life? It means that productivity and success in your life should also reflect the different ways you take care of yourself mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. It means you don’t neglect yourself of the self-care we all need.

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