Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tag: Nelly

I am back on the blog with my review of my first ever socially distanced music festival! Last week I attended an incredibly innovative, socially distanced music festival in North Austin. Superstars Snoop Dogg and Nelly headlined and, let me just say this, they did amazing!
Now, she is 16 going on 17. She began her Junior year on Monday. Over the years we have grown closer and I can say she is both a sister and a best friend. She tells me all her gossip with friends and boys. I tell her things about my life that I know no one else would understand. She is my shining light and everything I do in my life I do with consideration to her and my younger brother. I am so proud of who she HAS become and am excited for all the things she CAN become.
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