Tag: New Orleans

When the bride invited me to New Orleans for her bachelorette, I was a little nervous. Girls' Trips, in general, make me nervous after a bad experience I had. I was excited to go back to NOLA, though, since the last time I was there it was for my brawda's big 2-1. Although I didn't hit up NOLA for my bachelorette, it's the PERFECT place for a bachelorette. There is SO MUCH to do! And the food is AMAZING!
TNL Travels: Getting Ready for NOLA and Packing List - The Nueva Latina
I am officially 1 day away from my trip to NOLA for a friend's bachelorette party weekend. I haven’t been to New Orleans since 5 years ago for my baby brawda's big 2-1. I love the spirit and the culture of The Big Easy. I am SO EXCITED to finally be back. I love traveling and it is definitely something I want to do more. I especially love the planning process leading up to a trip. I always do the same 3 things before visiting somewhere new or even somewhere I have gone to before.
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