Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tag: PLanning

"I Do Too" - How I Included Da Pup in Our Wedding - The Nueva Latina
I was always one of those people that would judge other people who loved their pets like humans. The first day I met Chapo when I picked him up, I could have sworn I made the worst mistake of my life. He kept whining on the drive back to Austin because I had him in a little crate in the back. Halfway home, I pulled over to the side and took him out of the crate. I placed him on my lap and started driving again. He cuddled up and put his little head in this little "cave" spot in between my arm and the seat belt. My heart melted and I fell in love. 
If you’re anything like me, your planner makes or breaks your productivity. Having a yearly and monthly calendar, to-do list, and planning space at your fingertips helps you to feel in control over life’s chaos. Think of a planner as a centralized area for all of your organizational needs. I am OBSESSED with planners and I think you should be too! The planners I love the most are the ones that offer more than a calendar. My goal with this post is to equip you with space to dream, outline goals, and plan this next year with purpose so you can achieve success!
Life can get busy! With school, extracurriculars, and a never ending social calendar it’s hard to stay on track and on top of everything all the time. Getting and staying organized doesn’t have to be a hassle. Here are 5 ways to keep your busy life organized!
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