Hello 2023! Word & Phrase of The Year and 2023 Goals

My phrase of the year is “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change their future by merely changing their attitude.” I haven’t always been the best at accepting change and have had to learn to let go of things that I have no control over. This year I really want to focus on changing my attitude in moments of change and try to see things from all sides.

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TNL Reviews: Hot Luck 2018 - The Nueva Latina

Aaron’s Franklin’s Hot Luck Fest returns in 2022!

BRING ON THE MEATS! Hot Luck is a match made in heaven for me. It includes my two loves of food and music. The brainchild of Aaron Franklin, Hot Luck is situated at the intersection of modern Texas culture, family traditions and rock ‘n’ roll. Hot Luck is what happens at the fire—in the flames. It’s where the […]

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Blended Austin music and wine festival, Sept. 10+11 at Long Center, feat. Kaskade, Nelly, Blackillac and more

Blended Austin September 10-11, 2021 at the Long Center Get your tickets now: https://blendedfestival.frontgatetickets.com/ Blended Austin, a premier music and wine festival coming up on Sept. 10 and 11 at the Long Center, where mixology, food and live music come together for a new two-day event. The event marks Blended Festival’s Austin debut and is presented by My […]

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