Why Traveling is Good for Your Personal Growth

Why Traveling is Good for Your Personal Growth - The Nueva Latina

Traveling to a different country is more than sightseeing and taking pretty pictures.
When you visit a foreign destination and allow yourself to immerse in that country’s culture and lifestyle, you are unknowingly changing your life. The secret is to have and keep an open mind.

Here are four reasons on why traveling is good for your personal growth.

1. Traveling gives you: Freedom

When you are thousands of miles away from home, you have the freedom of letting your true personality shine. No one knows you. No one knows your story. You are free to be yourself. You are free to explore. You are free to figure out what you really want in life without the influence of the people back home. You have the power to return home a different person – a better version of yourself. You are free to transform.

2. Traveling gives you: A New Perspective

Traveling gives you a different perspective on life. You understand that you are just a little person in this massive world. I know that most of us understand this concept by middle school, but when you travel you get to actually FEEL it and SEE it. There are 7.6 billion people in the world and they are all experiencing a different reality than yours. Depending on the country you visit, you will see people having a different style of living. What I consider extreme living conditions, such as lack of running water, are normal living conditions to others. Your problems don’t seem as bad when you get to see other people’s reality.

Why Traveling is Good for Your Personal Growth - The Nueva Latina

3. Traveling gives you: Courage to Escape Your Comfort Zone

It can be dangerous to get lost in a big city. It can get lonely if you’re traveling alone.
It can be tricky navigating another country’s transportation system or grocery shop when you can’t read the labels. Whatever emotions you feel, good or bad, they are happening because you are out of your comfort zone. Getting out of your comfort zone is scary but vital to personal growth.

4. Traveling gives you: Life Lessons

Everything in life is a learning experience. We learn when we succeed but we learn the most when we fail. You WILL make mistakes when you travel. You might fall victim to pickpockets, lose your passport, get lost, or miss a flight (or 3 flights in 2 days like I have!). Each mistake will teach you a lesson that will help you on your next trip or in your everyday life. If you pay attention, you will find yourself becoming more understanding and tolerant of the obstacles life throws at you.

There are dozens of other reasons on why traveling is good for you but these are my top favorite. My wish is that everyone can go out there and explore, even if it means exploring your own country or city first. Please stay adventurous, keep an open-mind and don’t forget that meaningful travel is about learning, growing and nourishing your soul. Happy Travels! ☺

Why Traveling is Good for Your Personal Growth - The Nueva LatinaDiana Resendiz is a graduate from Arizona State University. She loves traveling and has been exploring other countries since she was a teen. She loves learning about other cultures, trying different foods and hanging out with the locals. Her current goal is to visit 30 countries before she turns 30. Earlier this year, she went backpacking through South America and Europe for three months. When she’s not traveling, she enjoys hiking, writing, drinking iced-coffee and doing Reiki. Also, due to her experience with anxiety and depression, she hopes to help break the stigma of mental illnesses in the Latino community. She hopes you join her on her new journey of self-discovery and how to live a mindful lifestyle.