Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tag: Austin Bloggers

Setting goals is essential for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray.
Thanksgiving to me is a time to give back and to remember how amazing our lives are, especially here in the United States. Thanksmas celebration at work, Friendsgiving celebrations with my sorority sisters and friends, and spending Thanksgiving day with my family back home...these are all the reasons why I don't want to jump ahead to Christmas just yet. ;)
Here is a list of the 27 things I have learned in my 27 years of life. I hope that you can look to this when you are feeling down and even when you feel like you are on top of the world, because life can be learned at your best and worst moments.
I am beyond grateful that I had my parents to teach me the true value of hard work and how to save money from so early on in my life. Life after college wouldn't have been as easy if I didn't have them there reminding me and nagging me about finances and making wise financial decisions.
I wrote this post two years ago when my sister was 16 going on 17. Some things have changed since then. She decided to come to Austin to attend the University of Texas at Austin. (YAAAAAAAS!) She has now been dating David (ugh David haha) for almost two years. And she is now almost 19 years old. She moves into her dorm tomorrow and I could not be MORE excited! Here is the [updated] ode to my baby one, my little sister, and my heart in honor of her moving to Austin and beginning her college adventure.
On today's episode of Latina Tribe we'll be talking culture. As Nueva Latinas our Latino and American culture is something that has become a part of us and ultimately make us the people we are today. Also, I will be speaking with Elena Flores fellow Chingona and Founder of Sew Bonita about her shop and her sewing journey to where she is today!
We are all experts at setting goals. Today we'll do 12 different things. And by the end of the month, we'll nail all those, plus one million more. Easy, right? Truth is, it's much easier to set goals than to ACTUALLY do them. It all comes down to motivation, and let's be honest: motivation can go down the drain...very, very fast. It's just so much easier to sit back and think about all the things we're going to do... eventually. I decided to do some research and went to the pros to find 10 new ways to reach your goal, whatever it may be.
Have you been to Las Vegas recently? Are you there now? SHARE YOUR PHOTOS with TNL on Instagram and Twitter by using #CaptureVegas and #TNLVegas!
Julian proposed on the evening of 6/25/2016 with both our families present. He told me we were having a USA vs. Colombia game watch party. Minutes after arriving to his aunt's house, a trio walked in playing our song "Amorcito Corazon" with my family in tow. I was super SURPRISED. And, I was also really happy that my family was able to make the trip up to be there with us. It was PERFECT.
But, my mom is sooooo much more than that. She truly is my number one role model...the true definition of a #GirlBoss. She is from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. She immigrated to the United States at the age of 13. She was able to overcome adversity and graduate college despite English being her second language. She went on to become the first woman and first Latina President/CEO of Border Federal Credit Union in Del Rio, TX. This past April, she was awarded the Cornerstone Credit Union League Professional of the Year Award. I took some days ff from work so I could make it to the awards ceremony. My mom has always been there for me, so I wanted to be there for her. I am sooooo fortunate to have my as a mentor, friend, and mom! She is such an inspiration to me. She inspires me and motivates me to be better and greater. Her and my dad came to the United States to give my siblings and I a better life. And I am sooooo proud of my mom and so proud to be her daughter.
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