Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tag: 20 Something

I watched the Monterey Pop documentary again last night and I fell in love all over again. People weren't on their phone the whole time and no one was pushing or fighting to try and get closer to the stage. The people in that documentary were just happy to be listening to the music live. I hope my generation can gain back that genuine love for music. Music can bring so much change and I think we have forgotten that.
They use HUGE pieces of WHITE chicken. We had the Sesame Chicken and General Tso's Chicken plates. Both tasted AMAZING! Not too sweet or sour and just enough sauce to give each piece of chicken it's own taste.
Throughout my college career I was judged by the way I looked more than by how smart I actually was. It really took a toll on me during my third year and I felt like I couldn't go on. Advisers and mentors I had all kept telling me, "Maybe engineering just isn't for you". On top of everything, I was one of few Latinas in my classes. Of course, all the Latina/os stuck together by joining organizations such as Pi Sigma Pi and SHPE. But, for a while, that wasn't enough for me. I longed to be a man, just because it seemed like everything came easier for them.
Towards the end of the lab, we all got up to go to the basement of the building to put some samples in the oven overnight. He was in front of me in line for the oven. That's when I saw him, like really looked at him. it was the first time in my whole life I blushed from checking a guy out.
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