Tag: Podcasts

If you know me personally, you know I love me a good podcast. My favorite thing about podcasts is that I can listen and LEARN wherever I go. People are using podcasts to stay on top of trends because it’s the most time-efficient way to get educated. You can multi-task your podcast listening in ways you simply cannot with other forms of content. I listen to podcasts at work, at the gym, driving, etc.
On today's episode of Latina Tribe we'll be talking culture. As Nueva Latinas our Latino and American culture is something that has become a part of us and ultimately make us the people we are today. Also, I will be speaking with Elena Flores fellow Chingona and Founder of Sew Bonita about her shop and her sewing journey to where she is today!
I was on the plane getting ready to take off to Last Vegas this past November. One of my very best friends, Wendy, was sitting next to me. She was listening to something on her phone and seemed super into it. I assumed it was a song that she...
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